Panama (page 10/44)

Now showing: Panama - Postage stamps (1878 - 2024) - 2171 stamps.

[Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FA] [Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FB] [Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FC] [Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FD] [Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FE] [Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FF] [Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FG] [Airmail - Honouring Members of the Revolutionary Junta of 1903, type FH]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
429 FA 3C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
430 FB 5C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
431 FC 10C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
432 FD 15C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
433 FE 20C 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
434 FF 50C 1.07 - 0.81 - USD  Info
435 FG 1B 4.30 - 2.69 - USD  Info
436 FH 2B 10.74 - 8.59 - USD  Info
429‑436 19.08 - 13.71 - USD 
1948 The 50th Anniversary of Colon Fire Brigade

1. June WM: None Perforation: 12½

[The 50th Anniversary of Colon Fire Brigade, type FI] [The 50th Anniversary of Colon Fire Brigade, type FJ] [The 50th Anniversary of Colon Fire Brigade, type FK] [The 50th Anniversary of Colon Fire Brigade, type FL] [The 50th Anniversary of Colon Fire Brigade, type FM] [The 50th Anniversary of Colon Fire Brigade, type FN]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
437 FI 5C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
438 FJ 10C 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
439 FK 20C 1.61 - 0.81 - USD  Info
440 FL 25C 1.61 - 1.07 - USD  Info
441 FM 50C 3.22 - 1.07 - USD  Info
442 FN 1B 5.37 - 2.69 - USD  Info
437‑442 13.16 - 6.45 - USD 
1948 Airmail - Homage to Franklin D. Roosevelt

15. September WM: None Perforation: 12½

[Airmail - Homage to Franklin D. Roosevelt, type FO] [Airmail - Homage to Franklin D. Roosevelt, type FP] [Airmail - Homage to Franklin D. Roosevelt, type FQ] [Airmail - Homage to Franklin D. Roosevelt, type FR] [Airmail - Homage to Franklin D. Roosevelt, type FS]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
443 FO 5C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
444 FP 10C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
445 FQ 20C 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
446 FR 50C 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
447 FS 1B 1.61 - 1.07 - USD  Info
443‑447 3.50 - 2.96 - USD 
[The 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 1547-1616, type FT] [The 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 1547-1616, type FU] [The 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 1547-1616, type FV]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
448 FT 2C 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
449 FU 5C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
450 FV 10C 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
448‑450 2.16 - 0.81 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of Chiriqui Province, Panama, type EJ2] [The 100th Anniversary of Chiriqui Province, Panama, type EJ3] [The 100th Anniversary of Chiriqui Province, Panama, type EP4] [The 100th Anniversary of Chiriqui Province, Panama, type BY12] [The 100th Anniversary of Chiriqui Province, Panama, type ER3] [The 100th Anniversary of Chiriqui Province, Panama, type ET3]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
452 EJ2 1/2C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
453 EJ3 2C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
454 EP4 2C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
455 BY12 5C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
456 ER3 15C 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
457 ET3 50C 2.15 - 2.15 - USD  Info
452‑457 3.77 - 3.77 - USD 
[The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type EI2] [The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type EJ4] [The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type EK2]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
458 EI2 1C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
459 EJ4 2C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
460 EK2 5C 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
458‑460 1.62 - 1.08 - USD 
[The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type EP5] [The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type BY13] [The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type EQ4] [The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type EV1] [The 75th Anniversary of U.P.U. - Stamps of 1930 and 1942-1943 Overprinted "1874 1949 U.P.U.", type ET4]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
461 EP5 2C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
462 BY13 5C 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
463 EQ4 10C 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
464 EV1 25/3C/B 1.07 - 1.07 - USD  Info
465 ET4 50C 4.30 - 4.30 - USD  Info
461‑465 7.26 - 6.99 - USD 
[The 200th Anniversary of Founding of St. Xavier University, type FW] [The 200th Anniversary of Founding of St. Xavier University, type FX]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
466 FW 2C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
467 FX 5C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
466‑467 0.81 - 0.54 - USD 
[Dr. Carlos Finlay, Medical Research Worker, 1883-1915, type FY] [Dr. Carlos Finlay, Medical Research Worker, 1883-1915, type FZ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
468 FY 2C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
469 FZ 5C 1.07 - 0.54 - USD  Info
468‑469 1.34 - 0.81 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type EI3] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type EH2] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type EK3]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
470 EI3 1C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
471 EH2 2/½C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
472 EK3 5C 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
470‑472 0.81 - 0.81 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type EP6] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type BY14] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type EQ5] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type BY15] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, type FM1]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
473 EP6 2C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
474 BY14 5C 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
475 EQ5 10C 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
476 BY15 25C 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
477 FM1 50C 1.61 - 1.07 - USD  Info
473‑477 4.04 - 2.96 - USD 


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